Ena, " Brett said. " Lady Ena, Ryker corrected from the doorway. Brett smiled. He couldn't imagine her wanted to be called anything but Ena, but he would call her anything that pleased her. The sharp look she gave her butler made Brett think calling her Lady Ena was out. Ryker, being his usual unflappable self, just looked at her as if he was in charge and she would go by her new title or else. Terry Spear
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More Quotes By Terry Spear
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  2. ...She squeezed Niall's hand and bleakly said, "I don't want you hurt."" Oh, Serena, that's all I have to know." And with that, he kissed her so passionately, she felt as though she had fae transported to the moon and back...

  3. Candice had been writing for two days’ straight, working on her publisher’s book deadline, when she wrote the end, smiled, and set the book aside. She would start proofing it tomorrow after she’d given her brain a break. Now she’d do what she always did...

  4. Owen couldn’t believe his luck. Candice Mayfair was the beautiful white wolf he’d seen that day so long ago. Not that she looked like a wolf right now. He only knew she was the wolf, unequivocally, because he recognized her scent. <span style="margin:15px; display:block"></span>After the...

  5. It’s not the dead people you got to worry about… It’s the living that are scary.

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